arlo doorbell not working

I installed a wired doorbell. It won’t let me change the chime to mechanical on my app. How do I change it to work?

We received this query from one of our regular clients, where he was trying to change the type of chime the doorbell triggered but was unable to do so. When trying to customize the doorbell settings using the Arlo app, you may fall prey to a similar situation as well. That’s why the team at decided to put the solution in a blog so you can take effective troubleshooting measures in the future. This blog will guide you through the steps to change the chime from digital to mechanical or vice versa. Also, you will learn ways to prevent issues like the arlo doorbell not working, the arlo video doorbell offline, etc. 

Understanding the query

I installed a wired doorbell: When the client uttered these words, our tech help team understood that the client either owns the Arlo Video Doorbell Wired or the Arlo Audio Doorbell. Upon further clarifications done via chat, we concluded it was the Arlo Video Doorbell that he was facing issues with.

It won’t let me change the chime to mechanical on my app. How do I change it to work?: Now, it was clear that the client was facing issues with customizing the chiming pattern on his Arlo Video Doorbell Wired. Resolving the query would require our team to guide the client through a series of steps to change the chime settings. We helped him edit the settings using the Arlo app and supplemented the information with steps to do the same using the login wizard. Follow the information in the section below to access useful information.

Changing the chime to mechanical

You can configure your Arlo Video doorbell to trigger either a mechanical or a digital chime upon the press of the doorbell button. Or, you can also choose to keep it in silent mode. All this can be done easily using the Arlo smartphone app. However, before you begin changing the settings, make sure you have wired your Arlo Video Doorbell and the power kit to the correct chime configuration. Once you have, you can follow the steps as discussed:

  • Launch the Arlo app on your wireless device. If you do not have the app, you can download and install the same from your device’s app store. For Android, you can use Google Play Store and for iOS devices, you can use the App Store.
  • Once the app interface appears, tap on the gear icon next to the wired doorbell model you have at home.
  • Next, tap on the “Traditional Chime” button.
  • From the options available on the screen, select one from Mechanical, Digital, and None.
  • If you select the Mechanical option, you will hear a traditional Ding-Dong sound when someone presses the doorbell button. If you go with the Digital option, you can play a melody or the ding-dong sound upon the press of the doorbell button. However, when you choose the None option, it means you are bypassing the doorbell chime. You can also select this option if you are installing a transformer.
  • Since you are looking to change the chime to mechanical for now, tap on the “Mechanical” button.
  • Finally, tap on the Save button, and the settings will take effect.

Unable to change the chime on the Arlo app?

Changing the chiming pattern to mechanical can easily be done using the steps discussed. However, there are instances where you might fail to do so. If you are trying to change the chiming pattern on the Arlo app but are unable to do so, there’s a possibility that the App is outdated. Try updating the app version and logging in again to the Arlo account. Once you have updated the Arlo app, you will be able to access the settings and configure them to your liking. You can do that by signing in to your device’s respective app store. Here are some steps you can follow:

  • If you are on iOS, launch the Apple App Store and type Arlo Secure in the search field. On the other hand, Android users can launch Google Play Store on their smartphones.
  • Type in the search keyword Arlo Secure and tap on the search button.
  • The app store will return results with the app listed on top.
  • Select the app and the app page will load.
  • If there’s an update available for the app, you will see an Update button visible on the screen. Tap on the same to update the app.
  • However, you won’t see any button if there are no updates available.

Alternatively, you may also choose to access the Arlo doorbell setup wizard through the login wizard. Login to the arlo account using the credentials and change the device settings easily. You can use the default web address to access the setup page and change the settings.

Resolving Arlo doorbell not working/ Arlo video doorbell offline error

If you discover that your Arlo doorbell isn’t working or is giving the offline error, restart it once. If the issues still persist, you can reset your doorbell. This will delete all the settings and previous configurations. Your Arlo camera settings will be restored to the point when it was new. Once complete, you’ll need to follow the Arlo camera setup process again. For now, here are some steps you can follow:

  • Locate the RESET button on your Arlo doorbell.
  • Press and hold the same for about 15 seconds.
  • You’ll see the LED around the doorbell button flash white once the reset process begins.
  • Release the RESET button now and allow it to reboot.
  • Once the doorbell is up and running, you can add it back to the Arlo app. You may also choose to add the same using the login page.

Have more queries on the Arlo Doorbell Setup? Get help from our team now!